1. You associated with MKO Abiola. And you are still very fond, and proud of him; and that’s okay, however, Fela called Abiola ITT: International Thief Thief. He was accused of corruption; Abiola was pals with military dictators, including Abacha, Babangida, and all known crooks in Nigeria. Even, Buhari just made Abiola “president of Nigeria” posthumously, which YOU supported, and celebrated. Are Buhari’s hands clean?
2. You did a similar thing you are doing to Mr. Obi, to Jonathan and his administration, where you pretended that there was no difference between PDP, and APC; between Jonathan and Buhari; and you were the first to “CALL THE ELECTION” for Buhari, before the results were certified, or the elections verified by international observers, yet you deny supporting Buhari. Various videos have surfaced in cyberspace, with you being hailed and praised as hero in the Buhari/APC headquarters the night of the shambolic, fraudulently rigged elections of 2015!
3. Many people have even gone as far as accusing you of collecting money for your journalism, even though I don’t believe it, it is very hard to defend you, after these inexplicable hatchet jobs, and your inability to choose the truth over falsehood, a qualified person over unqualified ones, youthfulness over old ones, democrats over oligarchs and plutocrats, progress over regression; Jonathan over Buhari; Obi over Tinubu. No all of them are not the same. Some are better than others.
4. You don’t decide who is corrupt, and who is not; that’s the role of Courts of Law. You can accuse, but you MUST prove in a Court of Competent Jurisdiction, first!