SPDC-sponsored Live Radio Programme On COVID-19 On Air Today

The Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) sponsored live radio programme, “Canvas-Niger Delta Roundtable” tailored to create more awareness on impact and safety measures to combat COVID-19 in Niger Delta region will be on air today, Monday.
The programme which holds twice in a week, Monday and Wednesday, enables stakeholders discuss the future of the oil-bearing region on the backdrop of coronavirus outbreak.
It supports live unedited telephone calls and it is for one hour.
The Shell radio programme has been on since March treating the different impact the deadly COVID-19 is having on the people with its over 20 million listeners being enlightened regularly on the measures to combat the disease
“You may tune in this Monday, May 4th, 2020, as the very experienced Dr. Omosivie Maduka (medical doctor, fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria Faculty of Public Health, Chairperson of the Rivers State Branch of the Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria and the President-Elect of the Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria, Rivers State Branch) will be speaking on “COVID-19: Very High Risk Groups: Awareness, Prevention, and Staying Safe.” Shell spokesman, Michael Adande said.
The radio programme will be on air at 9a.m. on Monday, May 4, 2020, on:
- Family Love 97.7FM in Port Harcourt
- Creek FM 106.5FM in Bayelsa; and
- Bronze FM